Requirements for admission to YTI Career Institute


    A diploma from an accredited high school, General Education Diploma (GED), or the equivalent is the basic requirement for admission for all programs. Additional program-specific requirements may apply.

    Let us answer all your career search questions today

    At YTI Career Institute, we aim to make this exciting transition to career training as easy as possible. That’s why our dedicated staff will work with you through the entire admissions process. Click below to find out how easy it is to get started:

    How to apply

    At YTI Career Institute, we’re making it easier than ever for you to enroll using our automated application portal. Upload your documents and start the financial aid process without the hassle of drawn-out application processes. And our admissions staff is still available to help you every step of the way. Taking control of your career just got easier! Get started today.

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    When to apply

    Applications for admission are accepted throughout the year. Students may begin classes in the Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter. Students are encouraged to make early application for admission, as some forms of financial aid give preference to early applicants; and whenever aid is limited, it is made available to the first applicants.

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    Marcela Macas

    YTI Graduate, Medical Billing and Coding

    “I had a great experience at YTI with great classes that taught me a lot and great instructors/professors who helped along the way. The work and extra help provided to the students in this program were very useful in starting a new and rewarding career in medical billing and coding. “

    Joy Rodriguez

    YTI Graduate, Medical Billing and Coding

    “I loved my experience at YTI! The teachers were fantastic! Big shout out to Mrs. Arndt, Reynie Joseph and Lori Bair. I hope to take even more classes in the future to expand on my knowledge of medical coding. “

    Nolishya Balseiro

    YTI Graduate, Medical Billing and Coding

    “I was nervous to go back to school after 15 years of not attending and working in retail and customer service. The YTI program gave me the time I needed to still be able to work and enjoy my personal life. I learned so much in the past ten months. I wanted a school that would prepare me for the real-world environment, and YTI was that. “

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