Altoona, PA

Lancaster, PA

September 24, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected how individuals view higher education. In a recent study, data showed that 57% of college students considered college no longer “worth the cost.” That is where a trade school education comes into play.
In most cases, a trade school education costs less than a 4-year college tuition. In addition, trade schools take a fraction of the time to complete as opposed to a 4-year university. Those factors alone have made a huge impact on what student are choosing to do when it comes to a higher education diploma.
Other studies have shown:
One of the positives of a shorter education is that graduates are able to get into the working world sooner. Also, since the programs are shorter, students will not be paying for tuition as long. In addition, now that programs at YTI are offered in a hybrid format, that cuts down on the time and cost of driving to the campus as often.
With a trade school education, you are taught to work with hands-on problems and solutions. In this case, people will always need skilled professionals in those hands-on fields such as HVAC, computers, dental assisting, and more.
With all of that being said, getting a trade school education has proved to be a positive, successful, and smart option when considering higher education. To learn more about YTI Career Institute’s programs, check out the program list online. If you’re ready to get started, visit the online application portal.