

For assistance with planning for transportation to and from school, please contact the Student Services Department.

Commuter Services of Pennsylvania
Pairing up with someone else in your class may be a good idea to help save on gas and reduce pollution! Commuter Services is a professionally staffed organization offering free services that assist help commuters find alternative transportation options. Check out their website for more information and a commuter calculator - this will tell you how much your daily commute costs!

YTI Career Institute-Altoona Transportation Options

  • Public Utility Commission (Motor Carrier Safety & Compliance)
    Address: 1601 11th Ave, Room 101, Altoona PA 16601
    Phone: 814-946-7319
    Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 4:30PM
    Services: Regulates motor vehicles, busses, taxis, limousines and tractor-trailers.
  • A 1 Altoona Taxi
    Address: 217 E. 6th Ave, Altoona, PA 16602
    Phone: 814-946-6102
  • Amtran Bus Company
    Address: 3301 5th Ave, Altoona PA 16602
    Phone: 814-944-4074
  • Blair Senior Services (Medical Assistance Transportation Services)
    Phone: 814-946-1235
    Contact Person: Dennis
    Services: Offers transportation to medical appointments for those with medical assistance. Must schedule 2 weeks in advance.
  • Greyhound Bus Line
    Address: 1231 11th Ave, Altoona PA 16601
    Phone: 814-944-8911 or 1-800-231-2222
  • Yellow Cab & Transfer Co
    Address: 219 E. 6th Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602
    Phone: 814-944-6105
    **Please call ahead of time**

YTI Career Institute-York Transportation Options

  • Rabbittransit
    Many students who do not have access to a vehicle for daily commuting, or who want to save some money, choose to ride the bus to school. This link will take you directly to Rabbittransit's website where you will be able to access daily schedules, fare information, and contact information for Rabbit. See a member of the Student Services department for additional assistance with this. Rabbittransit also offers assistance to those persons with documented disabilities. For more information, check out the Resources section of their website.
  • Cab Company Listings
    Stuck with no way home? Click here to find a cab service in York who can help you!

Contact the Student Services Department with questions or for more information.