The top four essential computer skills employers look for

The top four essential computer skills employers look for

Technology is everywhere and it's here to stay. Employers are looking for candidates who are confident and competent using computers on a daily basis. Almost every workplace expects employees to have basic computer knowledge. There are many computer skills that employers are looking for, including:

Knowing your way around any computer. Some employers rely on PC and Windows, whereas others primarily use Macs. As you use computers and mobile devices in your daily life, you'll become more and more comfortable. Don't be afraid to learn new things! Microsoft Office programs, particularly Outlook, are widely used across organizations. Word and Excel are commonly used in most workplace settings. Most employers also use some type of database to manage projects and customer relations. You should be able to send emails, type reports, and manage your tasks with ease. Employers value the employees who have familiarity with various programs, operating systems, and software.

How to perform shortcuts. Once you're familiar with computers, shortcuts can really come in handy. Instead of using the standard navigational tools, keyboard shortcuts can save you valuable time. For example, copy and paste text easily using the Ctrl key and letters C and V. Press the Ctrl key and the letter F to find a program, document, or word. These and many other shortcuts are easy to remember, but some are not. Keep a printed list of useful shortcuts handy.

Electronic file organization. Most businesses store their files on a complex network. Employers look for individuals who can organize their files effectively. Knowing your way around this modern day filing system is critical to your success.

Knowing how to back up your work. No technology is one hundred percent reliable. Networks crash and computers get viruses. Learn how to back up your documents so that you don't risk losing all your hard work and missing a deadline. Demonstrate that you can handle anything, especially under unexpected or stressful circumstances.

Do you want more advice on how to stand out as an efficient employee? Check our blog for more tips or talk to our admissions team at YTI Career Institute. At YTI, we can help you find the right program for you. We offer a variety of programs in high-demand fields including business, criminal justice, medical, culinary arts, and more! Enroll today!