5 Ways to Nail a Job Interview

5 Ways to Nail a Job Interview
5 Ways to Nail a Job Interview

5 Ways to Nail a Job Interview

At YTI Career Institute (YTI), students can gain hands-on experience and knowledge from skilled professionals in the career program of their choosing. Students will also have access to a career services team that can help guide them in their plans for after graduation.

Entering the working world can be intimidating. That said, there are some things you can do that may help you ace interviews.

Research the Company

Take time to research the company you are applying to. Try and find their mission statement, information about the founders, how long they've been around, exactly what they do, etc., so you know what to expect when working at the company. It can also be impressive to potential employers if you know about their company ahead of time.

Study Your Resume

Know your resume without having to look at it each time an employer asks a question in an interview. Memorize what jobs you've held in the past, certain certifications that may be helpful, and the education and/or training you've had. That will show both your ability to remember important things and your willingness to go the extra mile when it comes to preparedness.

Know the Job You're Applying For

Much like researching the company you're applying for, knowing the job you're interviewing for can be very helpful. In doing that, you can better explain why you're a good fit for the job, why you should be hired, what specific qualifications stand out, and more.

Make Eye Contact

Making eye contact is an easy way to show respect and focus. Although it may seem like a small thing to do, it may make a world of difference. When in person, show that you are engaged by paying attention to the people around you and focusing on the interview you're having.

Follow up

After a job interview send a follow-up email or letter thanking them for the opportunity to meet. This will show initiative and may help you stand out from other applicants.

Getting started in the working world can be stressful and exciting. Using these interview tips should help with the entire process. To learn more about the YTI and the programs offered, visit the program listings page. If you're ready to get started, check out the online application portal to apply.